The world is waiting for you
Never stop exploring, never stop learning
A message from your ediitor
Lori Ann Reinhall
The Norwegian American
Now that September is here, many of you have returned from your summer vacations and it feels like a new beginning with the start of the school year, regular community meetings resuming, and a bit of fall in the air.
This summer, it’s been great fun to hear about the adventures many of you had, with tales about trips to Norway and Norwegian-American destinations on our own continent. We always learn something new from you and our many talented contributors. And with this issue, we are very happy to share their new articles with you.
But first, a few words about our cover story. A few months ago, the board members of the Scandinavian Cultural Center at Pacific Lutheran University (PLU) in Tacoma, Wash., reached out to me about the documentary film Being Ola. This amazing film tells the story of a young mentally disabled man who finds his adventure and a fulfilling life through a special communal living situation.
I was so inspired by Ola’s story when I watched the film that I wanted to feature it on our cover. Contributor Synneva Bratland has done an excellent job presenting Ola in our feature story—and we hope that many of you will be equally inspired as we were. The film will make its U.S. premiere at PLU, but please watch for other screenings coming up around the country. And if you are interested in arranging a screening, please reach out to us and we will put you in touch with the director, Ragnhild Nøst Bergem.
In this issue, we then head north, with a focus on Arctic destinations on both sides of the Atlantic. One is Petersburg, Alaska, a Norwegian-American settlement so devoted to its heritage that is had earned the name “Little Norway.” You can enjoy two different perspectives, with articles by Don “Jerry” Pugnetti Jr. and our special guest writer. Michelle Newman, popularly known as the “Culture Vulture.” Both are consummate professionals, and it was a delight to work with them, in addition to people on the ground in Petersburg. In fact, Jerry and Michelle have done such a good job and everyone in Alaska has been so welcoming that I am planning a trip to see Petersburg this fall.
Aviation is another big theme in this issue, which somehow fits, aviation being key in the development of the Arctic regions. Many of the great explorers, including Roald Amundsen and Bernt Balchen were pilots. Our intrepid travel editor, Cynthia Elyce Rubin, will take you to the National Norwegian Aviation Museum in Bodø, and Ilan Kelman sends you a report for Svalbard in his monthly column. Our business and sports editor, Michael Kleiner, sends an update on green aviation, where Norway is a leading player.
This issue is so packed with wonderful content that I cannot mention it all, but I would be remiss if I did not mention Michael’s coverage of the Summer Olympics in Paris. Granted that Michael is a huge sports fan, he went well beyond the call of duty to follow Team Norway nearly day and night so he it could provide a full recap. This is the type of coverage that you cannot get everywhere, and we take pride in bringing it to you.
There is so much to explore, both in The Norwegian American and in real life. And while I stayed very close to home this summer, I have to say that I feel that I didn’t miss out on anything. I took the time to do things locally that I normally wouldn’t do, and I took the time to meet with old friends and forge new connections. I read new books and many newspaper articles. In short, I learned that you can explore and experience something no matter what your present circumstances might be. Life is an adventure, if you only look for it. The world is waiting for you.
With that I wish you a wonderful month filled with more adventures and many hours of happy reading!
This article originally appeared in the September 2024 issue of The Norwegian American.