Wages increased by NOK 1 900 – electricity supply workers

Average monthly earnings for employees in electricity supply, excluding overtime pay, were NOK 42,600 as per 1 October 2009. This was a year-on-year increase of NOK 1,900, or 4.7 per cent.

Many engineers and craft workers

The two most dominant occupational groups within electricity supply are technicians and associate professionals, and craft workers. The average monthly earnings for the first of these groups went up 5.2 per cent, to a salary of NOK 42,700 per month. For the group of craft workers, wages increased by 3.1 per cent, to NOK 33 700 per month.

Annual earnings

Estimated average annual earnings for employees in electricity supply were NOK 507,000.

The electricity supply area contains businesses in production, transmission and distribution of electricity, and steam and hot water supply.

Source: Statistics Norway

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