The Norwegian American Weekly Barneblad: Take a potato vacation

In this month’s Barneblad in the Norwegian American Weekly, Heidi Grosch talks about the fun with potatoes.

In the “olden days,” the fall school vacation (høstferie) was called potetferie (potato vacation). Children had a job to do. They needed to help their parents or grandparents pick potatoes (ta opp potet/plukke potet). Many people don’t have potatoes today, but I do! Here are some pictures of the funniest looking potatoes I found this year. Can you turn these potato pictures into people, animals or strange creatures?

Click here to download the PDF with instructions!

Download these photos and send us your best creations! Email them at naw (at) norway (dot) com, or post them to our Facebook page at



This article originally appeared in the Oct. 14, 2011 issue of the Norwegian American Weekly. To subscribe, visit SUBSCRIBE or call us at (800) 305-0271.

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The Norwegian American is North America's oldest and only Norwegian newspaper, published since May 17, 1889.