Postgraduate Scholarships

Opportunities for postgraduates

General scholarships
Norwegian Society of Texas Scholarships

The NST Scholarship Program provides financial assistance with focus on increasing membership, promoting member activity and loyalty, and developing future NST leaders. In 2019, NST is offering three academic scholarships, each in the amount of $1,000, for incoming  college students, continuing-education students, and post-graduate students.
Deadline: Mar. 31

Norwegian Commercial Club, Seattle Scholarships

The Norwegian Commercial Club offers four scholarship awards totaling approximately $18,000. The first is for a $5,000 cash-only award sent to the educational institute of the award recipient. The second award for $5,000 includes the cash award and one round trip airline ticket to Oslo, Norway, for study in Scandinavia. This ticket is supported by IcelandAir. The third award for $5,000 is an NCC Fisheries Scholarship available to high school seniors or graduate students seeking to pursue a career in fisheries management or fisheries research in the Pacific Northwest or Alaska, or to students in fishery technical schools, such as the Maritime Academy. The fourth scholarship is for tuition and expenses for the International Summer School at the University of Oslo. The ISS scholarship is limited to students who live or attend school in Washington.
Deadline: Apr. 15

Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study (SASS) Aurora Borealis Prizes

Each year the Society honors graduate student contributions to our conference by awarding two student presenters the Aurora Borealis Prize for the best oral paper presentations, one in the category of History and Social Science, and one in Arts and Humanities. Nominations for the prizes will be accepted from members of the Society who are either faculty or independent scholars/artists.
Deadline: Nov. 1

Scholarships for research
The American Scandinavian Foundation Fellowships & Grants

ASF offers fellowships (up to $23,000) and grants (up to $5,000) to U.S. residents to pursue research, study, or creative arts projects in one or more Scandinavian countries for up to one year. Applicants must have completed their undergraduate education by the start of their project in Scandinavia and have a well-defined project that makes a stay in Scandinavia essential.
Deadline: November 1

Fulbright Norway

The U.S. Fulbright scholar program offers a wide range of long- and short-term opportunities for U.S. citizens with a doctorate, other terminal degree, or substantial professional experience to conduct research and/or teach in Norway. The Fulbright student program offers stipends for students to carry out master- or doctorate-level studies or research in Norway and for students who would like to serve as English teaching assistants. Students who have already begun their studies at a Norwegian university in Norway are not eligible.
Deadline for Scholar Program: September 15
Deadline for Student Program: October 11

Ibsen Society of America The Graduate Travel Stipend

The graduate travel stipend has been established to encourage and assist graduate students in presenting their research on Ibsen at SASS, the annual Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Studies conference (to be held in Seattle in 2021). Three travel stipends of $250 will be awarded to graduate students who intend to present on any aspect of Ibsen’s life and work, on the historical and contemporary performance of his plays, or on scholarship on Ibsen across the academic disciplines. The council of the ISA will evaluate applications.
Deadline: March 30

Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study (SASS) Bright Baldwin Fellowship in Scandinavian Studies

The Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study (SASS) is pleased to offer the Birgit Baldwin Fellowship in Scandinavian Studies, a grant to encourage the research and writing of dissertations for the PhD in topics concerned with Scandinavian (Nordic) literature or film that can most effectively be pursued in the archives and libraries of the Nordic countries. The stipend is $25,000 payable in two installments for travel to and living expenses in the Nordic region during one academic year. The application deadline is December 1 of the preceding year.
Deadline: December 1

Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study (SASS) Einar and Eva Lund Haugen Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship is intended to support outstanding graduate students whose doctoral dissertation examines a Scandinavian or Scandinavian-American topic in the Social Sciences or History, broadly defined.
Deadline: December 1

Sons of Norway Foundation Douglas Warne – Rolf & Wenche Eng Scholarship

This scholarship assists with the costs of tuition, room and board for qualified applicants to attend educational institutions in Norway. Current American or Canadian members of the Sons of Norway or Rotary may apply, as well as their children or grandchildren. Students without family members in the organizations may select an advocate or representative from either one to sponsor their application. The award is open to applicants of any age who have completed one full year of college-level work, or have been accepted by a post-secondary institution in Norway, including but not limited to craft, folk, music, theatre, or technical schools, Oslo International Summer School, or undergraduate colleges/universities in Norway. Applicants need not be currently attending school to apply.
Deadline: January 15

University of Washington, Department of Scandinavian Studies Scholarships

The University of Washington Department of Scandinavian Studies offers 10 scholarships for its undergraduate and graduate students in Norwegian language, literature, and area studies, in varying amounts between $1,500 and $23,000.
Deadline: February 13

University of Wisconsin, Department of German, Nordic, and Slavic Scholarships

The University of Wisconsin Department of German, Nordic, and Slavic offers several scholarships and grants to qualified students enrolled in the program.