Norwegian Student Blog won European Competition

The BI blog ‘Komma’ has won the best ‘Group Blog 2010’ Award. The prize was awarded at the Social Media Awards 2010 event, which recognises the best European PR student and research blogs.

The blog was established by the PR and Communication Management students at BI Norwegian School of Management in Oslo. The posts are written by students and focus on the field, the industry and other interesting issues. The PR programme went right to the top in its first year as participant in this prestigious competition with competitors from all over Europe.

Bergitte Lowzow, head of information on the board of the PR and communication management association, is thrilled their blog won.

“We have now achieved what we intended with the blog, and that is to present ourselves in a good way! In the future, I hope we will have more discussions that demonstrate that we, as students, are ready to become the next generation of communication workers”, says Bergitte Lowzow.

Lise Metter Kjellberg, former head of marketing on the board of PR and communication management, emphasises the importance of providing a channel for the students to express themselves.

“These days, when anyone apparently can become a communications consultant, it is important to show that we are a dedicated group of students who also have the theoretical background”, says Lise Mette Kjellberg.

The highly sought after prize is awarded by Euprera (The European Public Relations Education and Research Association), which is the most distinguished research-based forum in Europe.

The jury had a tough job, and placed special emphasis on the enthusiastic use and discussion of several current affairs. Moreover, the blog’s clear intention of representing the PR programme at BI won favour with the jury.

President Tom Colbjørnsen of the BI Norwegian School of Management congratulates the students on their achievement.

“I would like to congratulate the students in PR and Communications Management with the award for best Group Blog 2010. It is great that the students apply their academic background to comment on current affairs in our society”, says Tom Colbjørnsen.

Source: BI Norwegian School of Management

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