Norway – set the clock to summer
You must set the clock one hour forward to daylight savings – if you want to follow in time.
In January 2008 a law from 1894 about “consistent standard time” became incorporated into the new law on units of measurement, measurement and standard time. Meanwhile, the Regulations on daylight savings transferred from the Health and Care Ministry of Trade and Industry Ministry.
The change meant that, at least for now is Trade and Industry Trond Giske (Ap) to remind us that it is time to set the time, and which direction.
But most people should do without the Minister’s reminder: The rule “The clock is set to summer” is a classic to remember which way clockwise to set. “Spring forward. Alternatively, one can use the English variant, “Spring forward, Fall back”.
Benjamin Franklin
The idea of daylight saving was introduced by Benjamin Franklin as early as 1784, but it would be more than 100 years before the proposal won support. First, in 1916 the summer time introduced in several European countries.
First in were Germany and Austria, who asked the clocks forward 30 april 1916 kl. 23.00. Her home was daylight introduced the same year, but we chose to set the clocks first 22 May.
Later, the time to set the time and changed with regard to the date and time. In Europe now set the clocks one hour forward on the last Sunday in March at 2. The exception is Iceland which has not adopted daylight saving.
In the United States set the clock the second Sunday in March – two weeks before Europe.
Tonga adopted DST in 1999, to be among the first nations in the year 2000. The stunt should provide more public relations and increase tourism revenues. When the PR effect slowed in 2002, the scheme was abolished.
Poor Dagros?
Not everyone is as happy in the “time change”. Some complain of loss of needed night’s sleep, and is not responsive to arguments about the hour (s) may be left in the dark season. The skeptical may find support in online encyclopedia Wikipedia:
“Daylight saving was introduced at a time when people knew little about day rhythms of man. Man considered when that health effects would prefer to be positive with an additional hour of daylight in the afternoon. It is now clear that the body’s synchronization with the sunrise is accurate, and studies show that most can withstand the transition to daylight saving poor “.
Not least in the agricultural industry has been divided opinions. Some argue that Dagros gets destroyed its internal time clock. Others believe that the brighter and longer hours is a benefit for the animals.
Consolation for those who dislike summer, could be that nothing lasts forever: Since 1996, European countries have been agreed to take back the “lost hour” on the last Sunday in October. When will the clock be turned back an hour – and all of the old.
Source: Aftenposten