Easter: a time of triumph
David Moe
Sun City, Calif.
Easter is a time of triumph of good over evil, love over hatred, truth over falsehood, light over darkness, grace over law, and life over death. God’s love for us is so great that He gave His son as a ransom for our sinful souls, that we might become saints by grace through faith in His son. He gave His son so that all who believe in Him might be heirs to the eternal kingdom. This has been done for us by the grace of God and not by anything we have done or can do.
Knowing that we live by grace and not by law gives us the freedom to experience life apart from fear, to live life to the fullest, knowing that nothing can separate us from the love of God through our intermediary, Jesus Christ. The Spirit of Christ will intercede for us and pray for us in words we do not understand, when our spirit co-mingles with His Spirit, to communicate directly with God.
I am not an ordained pastor or priest, but I am in good company, because Jesus was not ordained, His disciples were not ordained, His apostles were not ordained, nor any of His followers. Luther wrote that all believers in Christ are priests, known as the “priesthood of all believers.” This means that ALL of us are called to the ministry of the gospel, if not the ministry of word and sacrament, then the ministry of working with street people, ministry to our prisons, music ministry, writing ministry, ministry of service to others, and a variety of other forms of ministry. All who believe in Christ have been called to do the work of Christ in this world. He is in us and we are in Him that His will may be done.
We are never defeated, as long as we believe in Him.
This article originally appeared in the April 3, 2015, issue of the Norwegian American Weekly.