Conservative Party is No. 1 in latest poll

Conservative Party leader Erna Solberg

Conservative Party leader Erna Solberg

The Conservative Party (Høyre) tops the May poll conducted by polling company Opinion, and is now Norway’s largest political party, supported by more than 30 percent of the voters.

The right-wing Progress Party (FrP) is the big loser, according to the poll, made for the ANB news agency. Høyre is up 4.4 percentage points from last month, to 30.7 percent, while FrP drops 2.3 points, to 17.9 percent.

Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg’s Labor Party (AP) is up 1.2 points, to 26.7 percent, and is now the nation’s second-largest party. AP’s coaliton partners the Socialist Left (SV) and the Agrarians (SP) both drop in the poll.

Worst off is SP, now at only 3.8 percent.

For the other parties there are only minor changes from last month.

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The Norwegian American is North America's oldest and only Norwegian newspaper, published since May 17, 1889.