Community-supported education
A short list of scholarships offered in the Norwegian-American community
Grieg Lodge in Portland, Ore.
This lodge offers a minimum of three scholarships per year. These are $1,000 college scholarships that are merit based. Eligibility is limited to students whose home address is in Multnomah, Clackamas or Washington County in the State of Oregon or Clark County in the State of Washington. Applicants do not need to have any affiliation with Grieg Lodge. However, preference will be given to applicants with a connection to Scandinavian heritage, culture and / or activities. In addition to the scholarship application, their web site has an application for the Bernhard & Johanna Fedde Grant which may be awarded to an individual or group working on a project or event that will benefit and enrich the public in a cultural manner. More info at
Deadline: March 1, 2014
The Norwegian Children’s Home Association in Brooklyn, N.Y.
This organization offers scholarships (grants) to kids with at least 25% Norwegian heritage who are in college or entering college. Write or call the Norwegian Children’s Home Association for an application. More info at
Deadline: March 1, 2014
The Norwegian National League of Chicago in Chicago, Ill.
The Norwegian National League of Chicago is offering a scholarship in the amount of $1,000.00 to a college-bound high school senior and additional cash prizes to deserving students in the 1st to 11th grades who are of Norwegian heritage residing in the Illinois counties of Cook, Lake, DuPage, Kane, Kendall, McHenry and Will. To qualify, older students must submit an original essay on a Norwegian topic and the students in grades 1st through 4th must submit an original drawing depicting a Norwegian topic. Applications and instructions are available on their website at
Deadline: March 1, 2014
American Chamber of Commerce Norway
AmCham partner organization Youth for Understanding (YFU) is happy to announce that they have recently been granted an additional 20 slots for Norwegian students to YFU-USA’s high school year program. For information, visit
Deadline: March 1, 2014
Concordia Language Villages Scholarships
Norske Torske Klubben Scholarships for Skovsøen, Salolampi, Skogfjorden and Sjölunden, the Scandinavian language camps at Concordia Language Villages: priority given to Norske Torske Klubben members; essay required. Also available: the Tove Irene Dahl Scholarship (5 or more years as a villager), the Tripp Trapp Scholarship (those moving up to a longer village session), and the Sons of Norway Foundation Scholarship. More info at
Deadline: March 8, 2014
Norwegian Commercial Club in Seattle, Wash.
The Norwegian Commercial Club is offering scholarships through its Scholarship Fund. There will be three awards totaling up to $14,000. The first is for a cash-only award sent to the educational institute of the award recipient. The second award includes the cash award and one round trip airline ticket to Oslo, Norway, for study in Scandinavia. IcelandAir supports this ticket. In addition to the above, there is an NCC Fisheries Scholarship available to high school seniors and/or graduate students seeking to pursue a career in fisheries management or research in the Pacific Northwest or Alaska, and also to students in fishery technical schools, such as the Maritime Academy. Additional application forms may be obtained by written request to the Scholarship Fund Manager, Norwegian Commercial Club, c/o Nina Svino Svasand, 18515 Ballinger Way NE, Lake Forest Park, WA 98155, (include a self-addressed, stamped envelope). Or visit
Deadline: April 2, 2014
Sons of Norway International
Sons of Norway International offers over $75,000 in scholarships and grants every year. Here are brief descriptions of their six categories of scholarships and four categories of grants:
• Oslo School: For students to experience an eight-week study abroad program at the University of Oslo.
• King Olav V Norwegian-American Scholarship: For American students 18 and older to study Norwegian language or culture in the US or in Norway, and for Norwegian students 18 or older to study American culture in the U.S.
• Helen Tronvold Norwegian Folk High School Scholarship: For students 18 or older to study for an entire school year at one of Norway’s 70 folk high schools.
• Astrid Cates/Myrtle Beinhauer: For any post high school study at an accredited school.
• Nancy Lorraine Jensen Memorial Scholarship: For sophomore, junior and senior college women, 17-36, studying specific areas of science and engineering.
• Lund Fund Scholarship: For American students studying abroad. Please visit foundation to view the guidelines, deadline dates and applications for all of our grants and scholarships.
All scholarships aside from the Kong Olav V scholarship require the candidate, or parent/grandparent of the candidate, to be a current member of Sons of Norway.
Deadlines: Most are March 1. Nancy Lorraine Jensen Memorial Scholarship April 1, 2014. Lund Fund May 1, 2014.
The Lakselaget Scholarship and Opportunity Fund was established to celebrate, encourage and advance the organization’s motto, women who swim against the current. Its goal is to promote the international connections between Norway and Minnesota, and learn, teach and share knowledge that will benefit women in their complex roles in today’s society. Applicants for the Lakselaget Foundation Opportunity or Work Study Fund should be in a work situation where a short-term position in a similar job in Norway would be beneficial to their career.
Deadline: March 1, 2014
Daughters of Norway Grand Lodge
The Grand Lodge Daughters of Norway offers scholarships to full-time college, university, technical or vocational students who are either a member of, or related to a member of the Daughters of Norway. Details follow on other requirements. The number of awards varies with the funds, but at least one award of $1,500 is offered each year, with a second award in Convention years. Application forms are also sent to Subordinate Lodge secretaries, who have them available for members during the spring months. Applicants must be a current member of Daughters of Norway or be related to a current member.
Deadline: July 15, 2014
The American Scandinavian Foundation
ASF offers fellowships (up to $23,000) and grants (up to $5,000) to individuals to pursue research or study in one or more Scandinavian country for up to one year. Applicants must have a well-defined research or study project that makes a stay in Scandinavia essential. Applicants must have completed their undergraduate education by the start of their project in Scandinavia.
Deadline: Nov. 1, 2014
Leif Erikson Lodge No. 1, Sons of Norway, Education Foundation
Leif Erikson Lodge in Seattle, Wash. announces the following 2014 scholarships.
• Camp Normanna or Camp Nidaros Endowed LEL Scholarship Award with the Youth Camp Program for District 2, Sons of Norway, provides the recipient with a scholarship for 25% of the fee for the camps. Camp Normanna is near Everett, Washington, and Camp Nidaros is near Seaside, Oregon.
• Camp Trollhaugen Endowed LEL Scholarship Award with the Youth Camp Program for District 2, Sons of Norway, provides the recipient with a scholarship for 25% to the fee for the camp.
• Douglas Warne Vocational Scholarship will award a scholarship to a person 18-25 attending or planning on attending an accredited technical, trade, or vocational program in Washington State. The amount of the award for 2014 will be $1,500.
• Queen and Princess Scholarship Program awards two young women who represent the lodge as its Queen and Princess an award of $1000 or $400 respectively. The winners will represent Leif Erikson Lodge 2-001, Sons of Norway, in at least five events of their choosing during the year.
• Youth Camp Instructor/Counselor Grant for persons who can provide a positive camp experience for young people participating in the District Two Sons of Norway Youth Camp Program. The award is $500, with a total of $1,500 eligible per year.
• Youth Leadership Award is for one young person planning on attending an institution of higher learning or trade school. The amount of the award is $1,000.
Applications are available at Leif Erikson Hall, 2245 NW 57th Street, Seattle WA 98107 98107 or online at under the Scholarships & Awards page. You may call 206-783-1274 or email If you have any questions, contact Heidi Ludeman at
Deadline: March 31, 2014
This article originally appeared in the Feb. 21, 2014 issue of the Norwegian American Weekly.