Commitment that makes a difference
Editor’s Notes: Join the conversation!
A message from Lori Ann Reinhall
As I sit here at my desk at The Norwegian American thumbing through our recent Christmas issue, one thought comes to mind: this newspaper is nothing short of a small miracle. The last Norwegian newspaper in the United States, we are still going strong, despite all the challenges that all print publications face in the fast-moving world of digital publications and social media. Of course, we have a presence there as well, as we keep step with the times and the needs of our readers.
It’s been over a year now that I joined the staff here. I often hear from many of you how much you enjoy our newspaper, not in the least for the great variety of content that we offer. With each issue, we strive to bring you the most relevant news from Norway and the Norwegian-American community here at home as well as interesting features about cultural life, both past and present. I like to the think of The Norwegian American as a type of “reader’s digest,” a custom selection of articles and features put together just for you. And when we don’t agree on something, we are always happy to get your feedback and share it with others. This dialogue is important to us: it’s the fabric of who we are with our heritage of free thought and democracy.
For me personally, it’s been a joy to share my knowledge of all things Nordic. Here at The Norwegian American, I am in my third career. After graduating with degrees in the Scandinavian languages and literature, I went on to work as a linguist before being recruited by the software industry to work as an international program manager. When I retired from a long career there, I fortuitously got the chance to fulfill a dream to be an editor when my current position became available. In high school, I had always loved writing, but I was told by my journalism teacher that “women simply don’t make it in the newspaper world.” Forty-five years later, things are much different, and I have happily come full circle.
It should not go without mention that during my first year here, there have been many challenges along the way. Here at the office, we all wear a lot of hats: we write and edit, we answer the phones, work on the web edition, sell advertising, take care of bookkeeping, and are constantly brainstorming new ways to market the newspaper. I even found myself writing a monthly “Barneblad” children’s column, an enjoyable but somewhat challenging task since I have never had any children of my own. But in the end, I have found the creative challenge of The Norwegian American to be extremely rewarding, and I hope you have, too.
For in the end, it is you, the readers, who are the lifeblood of this newspaper: we cannot exist without your support. We need to continue to grow our subscribership and advertising base, and here we are asking you for your support. I am convinced that once other Norwegian Americans get to know our newspaper, they, too, will love us, so please don’t hesitate to tell your friends and family about what we have to offer. You can point them to, or we are always happy to send them a sample copy of our print edition, or better yet, why not purchase a gift subscription for someone special in your life? And please don’t forget to recommend us to your local Norwegian clubs as well: we are a great resource for new ideas as we share information from around the country. There is also no better place to advertise your events and products: we are the “glue” for the greater Norwegian-American community, with just the right audience for you, your businesses, and your organizations.
Here at The Norwegian American, we all look forward to another great year with new challenges and opportunities. Thank you for the journey so far, and I wish you all the best in 2019.
Godt nyttår!
Lori Ann
The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of The Norwegian American, and our publication of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions, and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor.
This article originally appeared in the December 28, 2018, issue of The Norwegian American. To subscribe, visit SUBSCRIBE or call us at (206) 784-4617.