Comics 10/22/21

by Fredrik Skavlan, with translations by Andy Meyer

-Was it Ibsen’s Ghosts we just saw?

-No, that was Hedda Gabler played in reverse.

-Oho, such fun!


Lille Berlin
With translations by Andy Meyer

-Excuse me, but we just have to tell you … that’s a damn fine beard you have!

-Uh, thanks!

-Can I touch it?

-Oh, it feels so thick!


-Really full!

-Did it take a long to grow?

-Do you use conditioner?

Lille berlin

Lille Berlin
by Ellen Ekman, with translations by Andy Meyer

-Well you guys ought to see my pubic hair! Ooooh!

-Is that a no?

This article originally appeared in the Oct. 22, 2021, issue of The Norwegian American.

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The Norwegian American is North America's oldest and only Norwegian newspaper, published since May 17, 1889.