Comics 02/07/20
by Frode Øverli
—You start out with one, and then maybe another one… and all of a sudden you’re hooked…
—Isn’t that how most people start smoking?
—I’m talking about tattoos!
—See ya!
by Børge Lund
—But I haven’t ordered a new office chair.
—Someone has! Made to measure!
—How did you know it was for me?
by Nils Axle Kanten, Translation by Andy Meyer
—You’re so good at cleaning up after yourself! If only I had such a man at home! I almost think you and I should get married! Hehe!
—We need to talk…
Han Ola og Han Per
by Peter J. Rosendahl, with new translations by John Erik Stacy
—Hey, Per – Here it says you can make a cure for rheumatism with rattlesnake venom.
—Well, I never! Let’s try it, Ola – I saw a rattlesnake south of here yesterday.
—Will you have the nerve to catch a rattlesnake then?
—Oh, pff!
—Poke around in the stack with the stick. I’ll catch’m as soon as he comes out.
—Now you’re gonna have to be quick, Per.
—Ouch! Ouch!
This article originally appeared in the February 7, 2020, issue of The Norwegian American.